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[오라클] "FULL" optimizer hint

데브포유 2009. 4. 10. 18:46

조건절에 index가 생성된 컬럼이 있을때 index scan이 아닌 full table scan을 하고자
할때 사용하는 힌트입니다.

where table specifies the name or alias of the table on which the full table scan is to be performed. If your statement does not use aliases, then the table name is the default alias.


Oracle performs a full table scan on the accounts table to execute this statement, even if there is an index on the accno column that is made available by the condition in the WHERE clause:

SELECT /*+ FULL(A) don't use the index on accno */ accno, bal
FROM accounts a
WHERE accno = 7086854;
