Query SelectorsComparisonFor comparison of different BSON type values, see the specified BSON comparison order.NameDescription$eqMatches values that are equal to a specified value.$gtMatches values that are greater than a specified value.$gteMatches values that are greater than or equal to a specified value.$ltMatches values that are less than a specified value.$lteMatches values that are less t..
SQL Terms, Functions, and ConceptsMongoDB Aggregation OperatorsWHERE$matchGROUP BY$groupHAVING$matchSELECT$projectORDER BY$sortLIMIT$limitSUM()$sumCOUNT()$sumjoin$lookupNew in version 3.2.ExamplesThe following table presents a quick reference of SQL aggregation statements and the corresponding MongoDB statements. The examples in the table assume the following conditions:The SQL examples assume t..
# Aggregation FrameWrok db.employees.find().pretty(); db.employees.aggregate({$match : { $and: [{deptno: 10},{sal : {$gte: 500, $lte:3000}}]}},{$match : { $or: [{job:"CLERK"},{job:"SALESMAN"}]}},{$project :{ _id : 0, empno : 1, ename : {$toLower :"$ename"}, substr_nm : {$substr: ["$ename",1,2]} }}).pretty() >> comm필드를 서브다큐먼트로 저장db.employees.aggregate({$match : {deptno:30}},{$project: {_id : 0,em..
# 데이터 타입# objectid는 24자리, 사용자가 직접 지정하는 것은 권장하지 않음. p = { "_id" : ObjectId("201703210012345678901201"), "v_date" : ISODate("2017-03-21T15:00:00"),"v_bin" : BinData(0,"2222"),"v_char" : "moonsun","v_num" : 1234567,"v_arr" : ["www.naver.com","www.google.com"],"v_bignum" : NumberLong(12345)} db.data_att.save(p)db.data_att.find() - EOF -
# 데이터 입력/수정/삭제 > use tset> m={ ename : "smith"}> db.things.save(m)> db.things.insert({empno:1101, ename:"king"})> db.things.find()> for(var n=1103; n db.things.find({empno:1101})> db.things.update({empno:1101},{$set:{ename:"test"}})> db.things.remove({})> db.things.drop() -EOF -
>>실행위치시스템환경변수에 추가C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin >>데이터파일 위치C:\MONGODB\TEST >> 서버 32bit 실행하기.. (journal 과 스토리지 옵션은 32bit만 필요)C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin>mongod --journal --dbpath C:\MONGODB\TEST --storageEngine mmapv1 >>클라이언트 접속mongo localhost:27017 >>db보기show dbs >>db 변경use test >>db 종료use admindb.shutdownSerer() >> 로그아웃db.logout() >> collection 생성db.createCollection("emp", {..
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