# GridFS-- 파일을 chunk로 쪼개어 db에 저장함.-- db를 지정하지 않으면 test db에 저장됨.mongofiles --host localhost --port 27017 listmongofiles --host localhost --port 27017 put a.txtmongofiles --host localhost --port 27017 get a.txt use testdb.fs.files.find()db.fs.chunk.find({files_id: ObjectId("")})
# Validatordb.createCollection("emp",{ capped: false, validator: { $and:[ {empno: {$type: "double"}}, {ename: {$type: "string"}}, {job: {$type: "string"}}, {sal: {$type: "double"}}, {hiredate: {$type: "date"}}, {hiredate: {$in :["null","NULL"]}}, {deptno:{$type:"double"}}, {deptno :{$in:[10,20]}} ] }, validationLevel: "strict", validationAction: "error"})
# $look를 이용한 LINK >> 2개 COLLECTION LINKdb.employees.aggregate({$project: {empno:1, ename:1, job:1, deptno: 1}},{$lookup: {from: "department", localField:"deptno", foreignField: "deptno", as : "depart_Info" }},{$sort: {empno:-1}}).pretty() >> 3개 COLLECTION LINKdb.employees.aggregate({$project: {empno:1, ename:1, job:1, deptno: 1}},{$lookup: {from: "department", localField:"deptno", foreignField: ..
# 몽고디비를 위한 데이터 모델링 >> Rich Docuemnt = Embedded Document + Extend Document - Embedded Document : 처음부터 Main Document에 내장시키는 경우 - Extend Document : update를 통해 Main Document에 내장시키는 경우 - 강한관계가 있을 경우 Rich Document로 설계함 db.ord.insert( { ord_id : "2012-09-0001", customer_name: "Won", emp_name : "Magee", total: "601100", payment_type: "Credit", order_filled: "Y", item_id : [{item_id:"1", product_nem:"Bun..
# 몽고디비 사용자 생성과 관리 >> 인증방식 종류 - OS 인증방식: 시스템관리자 또는 DB관리자 계정 - DB인증방식: 사용자아이디, 암호 >> 사용자계정 생성show usersuse admin 관리자 생성 use admin db.createUser( { user: "system", pwd: "manager", roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ] }) db.createUser({user:"system", pwd:"manager", roles:[{role:"readWrite", db:"admin"}, {role:"userAdmin", db:"admin"}, {role:"dbAdmin", db:"admin"}, {role:"clusterA..
# 몽고디비 인덱스 :인덱스명은 자동생성되며, 인덱스명으로 제어는 불가능함. >> 생성db.컬렉션.createIndex() >> 조회db.컬렉션.getIndexes() >> 삭제db.컬렉션.dropIndex() or dropIndexes()db.runCommnad({dropIndex:'emp', index:{eno:-1}}) >> 인덱스 재생성db.컬렉션.reIndex() >> 실습 (1:오름차순, -1:내림차순) db.employees.createIndex({comm:1}) db.employees.getIndexes() db.employees.reIndex() db.employees.createIndex({empno:1}) -- 싱글키 인덱스 db.employees.createIndex({empno:1..
Aggregation Pipeline OperatorsOn this pageStage OperatorsExpression OperatorsAccumulatorsNOTEFor details on specific operator, including syntax and examples, click on the specific operator to go to its reference page.Stage OperatorsIn the db.collection.aggregate method, pipeline stages appear in an array. Documents pass through the stages in sequence.db.collection.aggregate( [ { }, ... ] ) NameD..
The following modifiers are available for use in update operations; e.g. in db.collection.update() and db.collection.findAndModify().Specify the operator expression in a document of the form:{ : { : , ... }, : { : , ... }, ... } NOTEFor details on specific operator, including syntax and examples, click on the specific operator to go to its reference page.Update OperatorsFieldsNameDescription$inc..
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